Retrieve Product
Path Param
The id of the product to be retrieved.
Format: uuid4
Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Product id
Product label
Product summary
Product marketing description
List of strings to be displayed as bullet points in the product marketing page.
Indicates if the product is a subscription or not.
Product subscription recurrency.
Product insurance company id
Insurance company that this insurance product is associated with. This company is the one that will receive the payment for the product and is responsible for the product.
Number of quotas available for purchase.
Number of quotas sold.
Indicates if the product is active or not. If the product is not active, it will not be available for purchase.
List of companies ids that the product is available to.
Last day to purchase the product.
Date the product was created.
Last date there has been an update to the product.